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Book, authored:
[forthcoming 2021] Global Religious Networks from East Asia, Amsterdam University Press.
Book, edited:
2012. Cimino, Richard P., Nadia A. Mian, and Weishan Huang. Ecologies of Faith In New York City, Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Journal papers and book chapters:
2022. (forthcoming) “Secularity and Urban Gentrification: An Spatial Analysis of Downtown Buddhist Temples in Shanghai”, Journal of Space and Culture.
2022. (forthcoming) “Xin in the Discourse on Conversion among Tzuchians in Shanghai”, in From Trustworthiness to Secular Beliefs–Changing Concepts of xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese, ed. Philip Clark and Christian Meyer. Brill.
2021. Mayfair Yang and Weishan Huang, “Buddhist environmentalism and civic engagement in the secular Shanghai” in Chinese Religio-Environmentalism Ethics and Practice, edited by Mayfair Yang. Rowman & Littlefield.
2021. “The Sinicization of Buddhism and its Competing Reinventions of Tradition” in Sinicization of Religion, ed. by Richard Madsen. Brill. pp. 64-85.
2021. “Rethinking Religion in Urban Planning in Shanghai”, Journal of Planning Theory & Practice. in the Special Issue of Rethinking Religion and Secularism in Urban Planning. ed. Babak Manouchehrifar and John Forester.
2020 <都市佛教新貌:關於都市志願服務興起和以寺院為中心的義工的一些思考>《遊諸四衢,饒益眾生:都市佛教的弘化模式》,觉醒主编。北京,宗教文化出版社。 129-138頁。
2019 “Urban Restructuring and the Study of Temple Agencies”, in Buddhism in the Post-Mao China, ed. Ji Zhe, Andre Laliberte, and Garth Fisher, University of Hawaii Press, pp. 370-403.
2019 “Globalization as Tactic -- Legal Practices of the Falun Gong Diaspora”, in Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions III: Religion in Practice in Contemporary China, ed. Paul Katz, Stefania Travagnin, Walther de Gruyter, Germany, pp. 233-256.
2019 <閔行區龍音寺田野筆記-試從比丘尼訪談敘述分析佛教復興的政治與宗教邏輯> 《禪與人類文明研究》,香港中文大學出版社. (“An Attempt to Understand the Political and Religious Legitimacy of Buddhist Recovery in Peripheral Shanghai”, International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization, issue 4: 103–118).
2018 “The Place of Socially Engaged Buddhism in China - the Emerging Religious Identity in the Local Community of Urban Shanghai”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, No. 25: 531-568.
2018 “From Structural Separation to Religious Incorporation - A Case Study of a Transnational Buddhist Group in Shanghai, China”, in Asian Migrants and Religious Experience - Transnational Religious Mobility, ed. Bernardo E. Brown, Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 129-151.
2017 “Public Buddhist Philosophy: Civil Engagement and Discursive Space among a Religious Group in Shanghai”, in Judging the State: Emerging Publics and the Quest for Justice in Contemporary China. ed. Susanne Brandtstädter, Hans Steinmüller (London: Routledge), pp. 124-138.
2016 “WeChat Together about Buddha: The Construction of Sacred Space and Religious Community in Shanghai through Social Media”, in Religion and Media in China, ed. Stefania Travagnin (London: Routledge), pp. 110-128.
2016 “The Bodhisattva Comes Out of the Closet: City, Surveillance, and Doing Religion” (Re-published in Chinese). In Ji Zhe, ed. Daniela Compo, Wang Qiyuan, Ershi shiji Zhongguo fojiao de liangci fuxing (二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興), (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), pp. 213-232.
2015 “The Blissful Enterprise: Buddhist Cultural Turns in the Workplace in Contemporary Shanghai”, Entreprises et Histoire, 81 (4): 73-91.
2015 “Sustainable Development and Karma Logistics: The Moral Discourse of Reformed Buddhism and Capital-Linked Business Professionals in Shanghai”, in Buddhism in Asian: Revival and Reinvention, ed. Nayanjot Lahiri, Upinder Singh, (Delhi: Manohar), pp. 365-384.
2014 “Buddhist Cosmopolitanism and Public Sphere”, in Cosmopolitanism, Religion and The Public Sphere, ed. Rovisco, Maria, Sebastian C. H Kim, (London: Routledge), pp. 15-31.
2013 “Introduction”, in Ecologies of Faith In New York City: The Evolution of Religious Institutions, ed. Richard Cimino, Nadia A Mian, Weishan Huang, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press), pp. 1-14.
2013 “Diversity and Competition: Politics and Conflicts in New Immigrant Communities”, in Ecologies of Faith In New York City: The Evolution of Religious Institutions, ed. Richard Cimino, Nadia A. Mian, Weishan Huang, (Bloomington, Indiana University Press), pp. 105-119.
2013 “The Geopolitics of Religious Spatiality and Falun Gong’s Campaign In New York”, in Topographies of Faith, ed. Becci, Irene, Marian Burchardt, José Casanova, (Leiden: Brill), pp. 129-45.
2012 “The Bodhisattva Comes Out of the Closet: City, Surveillance, and Doing Religion”, Politics and Religion Journal VI (2): 199-216.
2011 “Buddhists in Action: Transnational Migration and Religious Cosmopolitanism”, Encounters: An International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society, no. (4): 215-39.
2010 “Immigration and Gentrification - A Case Study of Cultural Restructuring in Flushing, Queens”, Diversities 12 (1): 63-90.
2008 “The Making of a Promised Land Religious Responses to Gentrification and Neighborhood Ethnic Diversity” CrossCurrents, 58(3):441-455.
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